ATS / ETS2 Pink Ribbon Charity Event + DLC
Pink Ribbon Event Banner

Pink Ribbon Event Banner

Inspired by truck manufacturers and truckers from around the world, this October SCS Software are proud to be joining the Pink Ribbon Breast Cancer Awareness campaign!

They’re asking the community to join them in supporting this great cause by delivering Pink Ribbon goods across Europe and the USA in the international Pink Ribbon Charity World of Trucks event.

For more information, please read the SCS Software blog

For this charity and event, SCS Software has also released two new Pink Ribbon Charity Pack DLC’s for both ATS and ETS2.

SCS Software will be donating 100% of its Pink Ribbon Charity Pack proceeds to reputable Breast Cancer research and awareness charities.

Link 1 : ETS2 Pink Ribbon Charity Pack DLC on STEAM
Link 2 : ATS Pink Ribbon Charity Pack DLC on STEAM

Pink Ribbon Event Banner

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